

Dual Credit

High school students completing requirements at a public, private, or homeschool can earn college credits while concurrently attending high school.

博彩平台推荐的双学分计划提供了一个获得良好开端的机会 on earning transferable college credits before graduating from high school.

Overview and Requirements


Register for the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2) Test

  • Ball High School Testing Center:
    Meet with Ms. Felicia Becnel 

 BHS TSIA2  FORM                          

  • Odyssey Academy:
    Meet with Ms. Dena Walker for
    TSI test dates.

  • O'Connell College Prep School:
    Meet with Ms. Paula Lamb for
    TSI test dates. 

Once you take the TISA2 test and score into college readiness, you may proceed to begin the admissions application.

*TSI基准,豁免和豁免分数可以来自以下考试:ACT, SAT, PSAT and STAAR.

Apply to Galveston College via GoApplyTexas


Submit an official high school transcript to our Admissions Office.  You can bring 然后把它放在GC的穆迪大厅,或者通过你的高中电子发送 School Registrar's office.

所有参加双学分课程的博彩平台推荐都需要提交签名的双学分 contract to the Galveston College Admissions office. The contract, which must be signed 由博彩平台推荐及其家长或监护人共同提交的表格,可递交至双元组 Credit Advisor, Mrs. Alisha McCracken, or directly to the GC Admissions office. The 合同可通过提供的链接打印,也可从 Mrs. McCracken or the GC Admissions office.

Dual Credit Contract

在你完成了所有的双学分要求并选定了课程之后, the Admissions office will enroll you into the dual credit courses.You will NOT be able to enroll yourself due to a dual credit hold.

Homeschool students can enroll in college courses via an Early Enrollment form.
1. Apply to Galveston College 
2. TSIA2 test is required
3. Parent and student must meet with Ms. McCracken for course selection(s) or meet with the director, Ms. Segura. 
4. High school (homeschool) transcript needs to be turned into Admissions.
5. Parent and student will sign a dual-credit contract.
6. Student can fill out the FERPA form, if needed.
7. Enrollment will be done by the admissions office.
8. Payment  options will be explained.

Can issue Student ID cards
You will need to show your H.S. ID to confirm who you are.

If driving, you can get a
Parking Permit
You will need vehicle information.

Set-up Whitecaps email via Office 365 email (official method of communication)

IT help desk can also help:
1. Set-up Microsoft Authenticator (our College verification system)
2. 重置单点登录密码(即使用相同的用户名登录) and password).



Alisha McCracken

阿丽莎·麦克拉肯在圣哈辛托学院开始了她的学术之旅,在那里她获得了 her Associates degree in General Studies. Next, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. After earning her Bachelors’ degree, 她开始在休斯顿大学全职工作,在那里她培养了一种激情 for working with undergraduate students. She then decided she wanted to obtain a Master’s degree in higher education and she did just that at Drexel University.

在休斯顿大学工作了七年之后,她决定 与本科生和研究生的工作方式不同 University of Houston-Clear Lake. Although it was a wonderful experience, she knew her interest was with undergraduates, specifically first year students. Considering 这就是她来到博彩平台推荐与双学分博彩平台推荐一起工作的原因. 与双学分博彩平台推荐一起工作让她有机会帮助博彩平台推荐适应环境 the right path so that they can persist and reach their academic goals.

Dual credit students must contact me to sign the dual credit contract- amccracken@yn17car.com

What is FERPA and why is it important to students? 

1974年的家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)禁止加尔维斯顿 college from releasing certain student information without your written consent. As 作为一名博彩平台推荐,你有权允许第三方获取你的信息 ex: a parent or guardian. Additional information regarding FERPA can be found in the Galveston College Catalog.
FERPA form

What is Texas Core?

德州核心课程包括42学分的通识教育课程 这是任何博彩平台推荐都需要的学术可转换课程 state of Texas. However, the full Texas core is not required for all workforce programs. It is important that you speak with your dual credit advisor to discuss which course options below best fit your academic needs.  

MATHEMATICS 从以下课程列表中选择一门课程:MATH 1314, MATH 1324, MATH 1325, MATH 1332, MATH 1342, MATH 2312, MATH 2413, MATH 2414, PSYC 2317 3
LIFE & PHYSICAL SCIENCE 从以下课程列表中选择两门课程:BIOL 1322, BIOL 1406, BIOL 1407, 生物2401,生物2402,生物2421,化学1405,化学1411,化学1412,化学2423,化学 2425,环境1301,环境1302,环境1301,物理1401,物理1402,物理2425,物理2426 6
LANGUAGE, PHILOSOPHY & CULTURE 从以下课程列表中选择一门课程:ARTS 1304, DRAM 2361, DRAM 2362, 英语2322,英语2323,英语2327,英语2328,英语2332,英语2333,英语2311,英语2311 2312, HUMA 1302, PHIL 1301, PHIL 2306, PHIL 2307 3
CREATIVE ARTS 从以下课程列表中选择一门课程:ARTS 1301, ARTS 1303, COMM 2366, DRAM 1310, DRAM 2366, HUMA 1301, MUSI 1306, MUSI 1310 3
AMERICAN HISTORY Select two courses from the following courses HIST 1301, HIST 1302, HIST 2301 6
SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 从以下课程列表中选择一门课程CRIJ 1301, CRIJ 1307, ECON 2301, ECON 2302, KINE 1304, KINE 1346, PSYC 2301, SOCI 1301, SOCI 1306 3
COMPONENT AREA OPTION Select two courses from the following AND/OR use excess credit hours from courses EDUC 1300/PSYC 1300, ENGL 2311, ENVR 1101, ENVR 1102, KINE 1164,数学 2415, PSYC 2306, PSYC 2314, PSYC 2319/SOCI 2326, SOCI 2301, SOCI 2319, SPCH 1311, SPCH 1315, SPCH 1318, SPCH 1321 6
  TOTAL 42


Are dual-credit courses hard?

双学分课程是大学水平的课程,这意味着它是严格和 challenging; however, you also get to experience hands-on learning experiences with 专门的教师谁想要你准备无论你想去学术 and professionally. It may be difficult at first, but with all the support you will receive from faculty and staff, you’ll do great!

How many courses can I take?

从技术上讲,你每学期最多可以修18个学分,而不必去找 行政审批,但由于双学分博彩平台推荐面临的工作量已经很大, we recommend further discussion with Dual Credit Advisor. 

What are some of the degrees I can earn?

你可以获得劳动力认证,艺术副学士或科学副学士 degree, to name a few. Check the catalog for more degree plans.

Can I take summer courses?

是的,双学分博彩平台推荐在高中毕业后仍然是博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐 school academic year ends. Please note that taking summer courses may not result in earning both high school and college credit. Check with the dual credit advisor in April to see what options are available to you.

Dual Credit Orientation

Narrated by DC Advisor, Ms. Alisha McCracken

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has adopted the Financial Aid for Swift Transfer (FAST) program for dual-credit students. Galveston College has decided to participate in 该计划旨在帮助符合条件的双学分博彩平台推荐亚洲体育博彩平台学分学费.

通过FAST计划,符合资格标准的博彩平台推荐被录取 在参与的学院中,不需要公立学区或特许学校 to pay tuition for dual credit courses. Additionally, the high school is responsible 免费提供本课程所有必需的书籍、资料和用品 to the students.


Student Eligibility

Students are “eligible students” under the FAST program if they:

  1. are enrolled in an eligible dual credit course, as defined in TAC, Section 13.501, at a public school district or charter school (i.e., eligible for Foundation School Program funding); and
  2. are taking a course offered through an institutional agreement, as outlined in TAC, Section 4.84, from an institution of higher education that has opted to participate in FAST; and
  3. 在此之前的四个学年中是否有资格享受免费或减价午餐 to the academic year in which they enroll in the dual credit course.

**Currently, there is NO BALANCE due for dual credit tuition; 但是,在GC收到ecb的合格列表后,这可能会发生变化. 届时,如果博彩平台推荐需要填写一份单独的表格,GC将与他们联系 cover tuition.
Thank you for your patience.


High School Education Partners

Still have questions? Contact Elvia Ortiz Segura,
Director of Educational Services, esegura@yn17car.com  

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